Friday, February 5, 2010

T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inspirational CD's

Today was such a joy. I began creating the inspirational CD's for my business T.O.U.C.H. 52:11. It is a labor of love for me because I am fulfilling the vision God has given me. I am blessed to work with Chris Stevens who is assisting me with putting all the background music together.

The CD's that are being produced are Motivational, Encouraging, Focus,and Vision. These CD's are ones you can mediate to, become inspired to increase your self esteem, and learn how to achieve your dreams.

I have a zeal about helping those who will benefit from my minstry. It feels so wonderful to help others. MORE IS TO COME!!


  1. Are the CD'S ready yet? What does the 52:11 mean?

  2. Thank you for asking. The CD's will be available in mid March. Email me at and I will give you the details of the CD's and they can be shipped to you. I also have transcripts and newsletters available that include ,motivation, encouragment on how to continue Lifestyle Living.

    And my business is God inspired. The 52:11 stands for the scripture Isiah 52:11 which describes my journey with obesity. Thank you for your comment. I look forward to communicating with you Please visit and comment often.

    Sandra Kelley M.S. Education
