Sunday, August 22, 2010

What does a Stop Sign mean to you?

This is how I saw an issue in my life that I couldn't face. We all have have things in our life that we try to go around, not address, and play as though it doesn't exist. I am no different. There was something in my life that I tried to remove emotionally for the last four years, yet I wouldn't let it go. I couldn't deal with the emotion, and I couldn't face the truth.

The situation was something that caused such hurt and depression that I never addressed it. It was a straight link to my over eating. To be sure I didn't over eat I would ignore the problem. It was also the elephant in the room, but I ignored it.

The stop sign represents where I am in my life now. My former thought process would have seen this stop sign and I would not have moved any further. But accepting that God has NO limits, I can look past the stop sign and begin to wonder what is beyond, what am I missing, what is out there for me that is waiting on me to explore.

In life if you have a "stop sign" in your life that represents excuses, bad relationships, hurt, pain, addiction whatever it is, make sure you look beyond and allow yourself to wonder what else is out there just for you.

Sometimes the stop sign is there to help you let go of your past so that you can move to your future!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Holding on to the fire

How do you on to the fire when you are pulled in so many directions?

Well that is the question I am asking myself daily. I know the ministry God has given me. That is to educate society about the world of obesity as well as, encourage those who are going down that journey. I must do all of this while handling day to day life. Between work, working on my second Masters degree and trying to be the best mom I can, I can become stressed. But I bless the Lord that I turn to something positive instead of food when those feelings come. The last six months for me have been a whirlwind but I must keep my inner core calm while watching the tornado swirl around me. T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inc. always keeps burning within me. The fire is huge and buring brightly because I know my purpose.

This week think about your purpose. Are you living it? working it? encouraging others with it? or are you allowing your fire to be burned out daily by work, stress, no determination, self doubt?

Remember to always keep your fire buring.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Malcolm and Jasmine

They bring me such joy.

If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I love my son Malcolm and I wanted to introduce you to my niece Jasmine (my nephew Samuel wasn't there the day they took this picture). I love seeing these two together. They remind me what joy truly is. The laugh, joke with one another and love on each other. I enjoy watching my son be a man, and make sure his cousin has what she needs, buys things for her, holds the door and her hand. It's truly sweet.

I wanted to be sure they are highlighted today as the "superstars for the week".

I ask God to cover them and all the children who are returning to school this week. May they have restful sleep, steady focus and determination. Cover the buses they ride on, the hallways they walk in, and cover the food they eat. Bless the teachers, staff and leadership in their schools and let them take time throughout the day and ask you for wisdom in all they do.

In Jesus, name we pray ....AMEN