Thursday, February 25, 2010

The water in the middle of the drought

I have been so busy ensuring that the foundation for my business it formulated the correct way. It amazing I am surround by people who have their own "business" but very few who are creating them in the correct way. Having ideas about how a business should be run without the correct credentials will come back to haunt you. My Bishop often speaks about creating something for not just you but for generations after you. That it is imperative to leave a "legacy". Thus, I have researched information on non-profit organizations, the difference with registered names versus business that are Incorporated and believe me it is alot of information but I know I can do it. I am walking purely on faith and nothing else.

The picture above shows an example of my everyday walk. The outside is dry, cracked, has no color and seems to be bearing no fruit. But my vision is the water in the drought. It will surpass everything that is around me and will continue to spread. So as I dive into everything that is needed for the foundation of my business I will constantly looked toward that water and look beyond where my eyes can see and follow the eyes of the spirit and see it as Endless!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My tire Blew Out on the expressway!!!

I couldn't believe it but my tire blew on a busy expressway today. I waited two hours for the tow truck to come, and then had to be towed to get a new tire. I reach the business 10 minutes before they closed!!! Then I had to wait another one 1/2 for them to fix it. I missed the 6pm service at church and wasn't able to do a favor for a friend. It was crazy. Oh I forgot the battery on my phone almost went out!! But I made it safely and my son and I are safe.

The enemy is so mad because this morning I gave him glory for healing my son this week when he had to stay in the hospital. BUT I was alone to hold it together, my stress level wasn't maxed out and the feeling to overeat didn't manifest. I thought about the wonderful things that God is doing for my life. How I wasn't in an accident, how I made it safe and sound.

As my son said, we had pressure but we made it!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hanging on

What God has given to me as a vision seems so large, so important for others, so life altering at times I wonder how I will be able to achieve it all. When I saw this picture I thought of my vision. It's huge, but just like the climber I must chip away at it step by step. There will be so many who don't understand and many who feel I should stop putting all of my past about obesity out there for all to hear and to stop telling about the most emabarrsing events in my life.

But I know that telling about my low self esteem, and my low self worth will help save others who can't motivate themselves. I don't want those who have a low impression of themselves because of their weight to give up. They need to know there are people out there who have successfully lost the weight and now enjoy life as never before.

I know for some after loosing masses amounts of weight they never want to revisit their former obese life. But going back to the time in my life that was the hardest is a joy for me because I know others are being blessed by it.

I will continue to climb that mountain, higher and higher until I reach the top. But once I reach the top I won't get comfortable. I will begin yelling from the rooftop about the dangers of obesity and how past hurts and tramua can cause the addiction of obesity to take place.

Whatever your issue is.. depression, weight, drug use, alcholism etc.. keep climbing, keep going until you reach the top.

Once you get there reach down and help others get to the top!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

Here is my true valentine!!!

My son Malcolm called my mother and had her pick him up to go and get my valentines day gift. He went and surprised me with the "This Is It" movie and a beautiful card. He was so excited he was able to do something for me.
I thank God for such a caring, loving and affectionate son. He cares so much about how I feel and wanted to do something nice for me.

I love you Mal!! mommie thanks you so much for all your love!!!

LOVE is mine too

What a wonderful day!!! Valentines the day for love. I have come such a long way. I once hated this holiday. I felt so alone, I felt I would never have anyone to share my day with, no cards, valentine candy or special moments. Even when I was married I never received anything from my ex-husband I didn't think enough of myself to demand respect from him. I felt I was obese and I should just be happy that I was married and if I received anything in return I should be lucky.

Now I love myself!! I am my own valentine and I love to love myself. I realize the more I love me the more I open the door for someone else to love me. I am not alone I am just getting myself prepared for the true love of my life. I AM BEAUTIFUL, I AM WORTH IT. What is in store for me is awesome and true. I'm excited for what God has for me.

So as you see other couples today celebrate them be happy for them. Because what you celebrate in others God will create the same for you.

Happy Valentines Day!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wonderment of God!!

Through the stress of the day, and all my issues of life sometimes we think that our problems are major. You need to step away from what is going on in your life and look at the bigger picture. There is so much more that God has done for us. He is so much more massive than we give him credit for. God wants to expand our territory to places we have never been. There is so much more for us to discover. Make yourself aware of the "wonderment" of God. Allow him to move you into places that you never thought you could go.

I never thought that the pain I endured because of my obesity, was truly a source for others. As I speak to groups and consult others I have to continuously put my past on glare for all to see. But as I look at the greater good of God I know I am doing exactly what my purpose is.

The next time the things of life seem to big for you to handle and there seems to be no end in sight, look towards the beauty the Lord has created and understand there is so much more than your seeing. Go search for it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The eagle flies alone and high. Yet they have eyes of exactness. My goal is no matter what is going on around me I want to have eyes of complete focus. I want to zero in on what my mission and assignment is and have an eyesight that is like no other.

My vision attaches itself to only those things that are meaningful and purposeful. There is no turning back and I will have the ability to notice only those things that will cause my vision to go forth with clarity and maximum ability.
My ears only hear the sound of the winds speaking to me and the mountains are falling all around me. I am flying high, with nothing there to get in my way.


Friday, February 5, 2010

T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inspirational CD's

Today was such a joy. I began creating the inspirational CD's for my business T.O.U.C.H. 52:11. It is a labor of love for me because I am fulfilling the vision God has given me. I am blessed to work with Chris Stevens who is assisting me with putting all the background music together.

The CD's that are being produced are Motivational, Encouraging, Focus,and Vision. These CD's are ones you can mediate to, become inspired to increase your self esteem, and learn how to achieve your dreams.

I have a zeal about helping those who will benefit from my minstry. It feels so wonderful to help others. MORE IS TO COME!!