Thursday, January 7, 2010

T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 radio show for today "How to Avoid on the job weight gain'

Today on the radio show I spoke on How to avoid on the job weight gain. It was a great show. I gave some great tips on how to create Lifestyle Living for 2010. I talked about the following:

Be sure to eat-throughout the day keep some type of snack at your desk. Be sure to first eat a good breakfast and lunch.

Compensate-get some type of physical activity throughout the day. Get some fitness equipment, take a walk, or park a little further away from your job and walk to your building.

Reword your network- get others involved in your motivation to live a healthier lifestyle.

Don't eat due to boredom-keep water at your desk when you become stressed, stay away from the vending machine and don't give in to emotional eating

Lose Technology- it has made us lazy. Get up from your desk to speak to co-workers instead of sending texts or emails.

I also spoke about Functional Fitness how to stay flexible no matter your age. If you missed the show log onto blog talk radio and enter TOUCH 52:11 and download the show from today or any other show that I have done. Leave your comments on how you feel about the best way to keep up with your routine while at work.

Remember Let's TOUCH the world together!!


  1. Hello Sandra I have listened to your shows over the last several months and I must say they are inspiring, motivating, encouraging and just simply awesome. You have helped me to jump start a new way of living. I have recently joined a gym and working out consistantly. I have lost 5lbs and although it does not seem like much I feel great and energized. Thanks for giving me a new outlook on life.
    Be Blessed
    F. Scott

  2. That is wonderful!! And be proud of your 5lbs because the key is to know that it must start somewhere and 5 pounds will lead to much more. Stay encouraged and and stay focused. Make a goal and stick to it. Continue to listen to the shows an I pray that they continue to motivate you. Stay in touch!!
