When God has given you a vision that you are to use and encourage others, it may sometimes seem as though you are alone and not understood.
When you begin working the vision you may not be able to "touch" the things you need. But continue to work the vision because everything you need is within yourself. Don't be a bare tree that isn't producing fruit. Know that you may not have all the money you need, you may not have the help you would like for your vision, but the most important ingredient you need favor and wisdom.
Once you have favor and wisdom that bare tree will begin to produce fruit. The only way this will happen is if you put the time in networking and educating yourself in the areas that you may be lacking.
Go for your vision, produce that fruit, don't leave that tree bare!!!!Stay encouraged!!
thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate the support. My mission is to assist those who need a voice because they are suffering from obesity. Please continue Jet to comment and support the cause of eliminating obesity.