On Jan 18th T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inc show on Blog Talk radio spoke on the topic of Think Your Too Heavy To Exercises?
I wanted to share some highlights from the show.
Priority #1: Safety
Problem: One of the biggest mistakes people commit is making assumptions about what they can’t do without checking with someone who knows how to determine that. You may have physical problems, ranging from medical conditions that impose unavoidable limitations on what you can do, to the typical after-effects of years of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, such as chronic inflexibility, weakness, and muscle pain. These problems may rule out one kind of exercise or another. But it would be unusual if there is truly nothing you can do.
Solution: Don’t be one of those people. Tell your doctor you want to start exercising and ask for advice on what to do and what to avoid. Create a fitness plan for yourself for approval from your doctor if you aren’t comfortable with having it created by a trainer.
Priority #2: Find Something That Fits YOU Problem: You just can’t seem to find a good place to start. if you get down on the floor, you may not be able to get up again by yourself (been there, done that), and your body just doesn’t bend or let you get into the positions illustrated. You’ve been to the gym, but you don’t even fit into half the machines there, and you felt like you were going to throw up after two minutes on the elliptical machine.These are real true issues that I want you to consider because remember this show is here to educate you and to let you know about feelings you may experience not to scare you but to keep you prepared and focused. After having my gastric bypass in 1997 I wanted to exercise so badly but I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. To top it all off I felt ashamed of the way I looked even though I was desperately trying to change my looks. You must get past those feelings and focus on your health and your goals.
Solution: Almost every exercise can be modified so you can do it (or something like it) in a way that meets your needs and present capacities.
Above all, don’t make it easy to talk yourself out of starting an exercise program by getting confused about the difference between a challenge and an insurmountable obstacle. Loosing masses amount of weight comes down to a mindset and how you speak to your situation. You must stay positive and focused for it to be achieved.
When I began my journey to loose 200 pounds I was nervous and excited but as time proceeded there were times I was tired, discouraged and wondered if I would ever make it. Know that you can do it and if you stay on your plan you will achieve your ultimate goal!!!
*These show or any other show I have done can be downloaded on Blog Talk radio for free.
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