What are obese worries you ask? terrible sweating, horrible pain in your legs, knees and feet from the walking, shortness of breathe, hungry all the time, feeling depessed and overwhelmed at the sheer length of the park, having to hold everyone up because you have to rest every so many yards.... But that wasn't a worry for me today!
What a fun day we had today at Six Flags. This is spring break for my son and I decided to take him to his favorite place Six Flags. It was such a reminder at how far I have come. First we had to park close to 2 miles from the entrance. The old me would have wanted to merely give up and not even walk to the front. The new me passed by the trolley that was their to pick us up an I walked with pride praising God the entire time that I had the ability to walk without pain. Arriving at the entrance I went through the turn style without getting stuck (which has happen to me in the past).
Once arriving in the park the first thing my son wanted to do was go on the Goliath roller coaster which was at the top of a huge hill. The entire day we walked and walked and walked. It was 80 degrees and we were sweating. But all I could think about was that my skin was bleeding from rubbing of the skin between my legs, and under my breast. At one point I actually stretched my arms out besides me and really felt the slight breeze of the wind. On one of the rides, I actually sat on a bench and waited for my son to ride a ride. While everyone else sat under shade, I purposely sat on a bench in the sun. I love to feel the sun, after so many years of running from it because of the weight.
We even left the park and went back to the car to get something to eat and rest a minute before going back to the park. It seems so much easier to do everything in the park but the fact that I could excited me.
I decided to go on a ride called the Ninja. I haven't been on a roller coaster in over a decade. It was fun and I felt like I was traveling back in time. I also remembered not being able to ride on a roller coaster.
As we left, we were tired and hot but decided to walk back to the car!! We passed up the trolley and just walked and enjoyed the fun of the day.
The day was fun and a blessing to spend time with my son. I am so happy I am able to be that fun mom who can do things with him an not just watch from the side lines.
Thank you God for allowing me to redeem time!!!!
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