Today on Blog Talk radio the T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inc. show the topic for today was
Manage Yourself in No Time
Do a Realistic Time Audit
Time management experts stress that before you can make needed changes in the way you manage time, you need to look at how you spend your time now. What activities or tasks are taking up the biggest chunks of your life? What items do you hate or put off most? Are you allowing others to dictate uses for your time that aren’t productive or don't fit your agenda? By doing a brutally honest assessment, you can begin to change the way you manage yourself in relation to time. (And my motto in life is that you can get all things back your money, homes, cars, jobs even a mate but you can never get back your time. Make sure you are using it to the best of your abilities).
Personalize your to-do list
Some people thrive using a daily to-do list, which they construct either at the end of the previous day or first thing the next morning. Some people combine a to-do list with a calendar or schedule. Others prefer a "running" to-do list that is continually being updated. Or, you may prefer a combination of both, whatever method works best for you. Don't be afraid to try a new system — you just might find one that works even better than your present one! (Remember that you need to complete you today list before going to bed so you don’t have to continue items from the day before).
Don't waste waiting time
Waiting is inevitable, but you can find ways to put even a few minutes of waiting to good use. Whether holding on the phone or waiting for play practice to end, you can make lists, sort mail, go over your schedule, and complete other small but necessary tasks. At home, sort the laundry or the mail while catching up on the news, talk on the phone while preparing dinner, etc. (this includes exercising give it your all because you accountable to yourself).
Stock up as much as possible
This includes the right types of food, shopping for the correct shoes, work out outfit etc. Weight lost program requires planning and having all the items needed to ensure success.
Have a system
your program must have a system in place and planned, there is no way things can be haphazard and expect to loose weight.
Multi-task when feasible
The key to your program must be multitasking. You have to learn how to deal with your emotional feelings, frustration, and sadness as you loose weight. This takes much practice and skill.
Don’t be a perfectionist. Some things are worth perfecting, but often good enough is just that— good enough. What’s more, perfectionism—paying unnecessary attention to detail—can be a form of procrastination. I find myself still a perfectionist but I have to monitor it as I go.
Learn to say ‘No'
Most of us have trouble saying this little word. But if you focus on the goals that are important to you— like incorporating a fitness routine into your life— saying no to the unimportant gets easier. It may even just be a matter of timing— as in saying, ‘Not now.’ NO is the most powerful word you can say.
Manging your time is the most important key to your weight lost program.
T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 Inc. show Monday's 6:30pm on Blog Talk radio
Website: www.touch5211inc.org